Facelifts are one of the most satisfying procedures that I perform. A facelift is used to rejuvenate the cheek/midface/jawline/neck areas. The technique has evolved greatly over the years. In my practice I perform my own version of the deep plane facelift, The SMAS (superficial musculo-aponeurotic system) is elevated together with the the platysma muscle of the neck and tightened.
At this point, there will be excess skin present. This is trimmed to fit precisely, and sutured meticulously to create a hard-to-see incision line.
Scars on the face tend to heal very well. Although a little pink initially in the first few months they then fade to white. Most patients form very good quality scars over time. The length of time will vary in each individual patient and some patients may form raised or stretched scars.If you are a smoker, try and stop for eight weeks before and one week after surgery as it can reduce the chances of complications.