Discover the Benefits of a Mini Facelift Procedure
What is a mini facelift procedure?
A mini facelift is typically performed on the bottom half of the face, around the jaw, neck and chin. Its primary purpose is to target sagging skin and help a person attain a youthful look.
The corrective cosmetic procedure is less invasive than a traditional facelift, which targets the entire face. It will still leave behind a scar, but a tiny one.
Why do people have a mini facelift?
People have a mini facelift to target problem areas around the lower part of the face and the neck, and it works to offer a more natural and subtle difference to the face.
Instead of tightness in the entire area, a mini facelift will eliminate sagging on and around the lower part of the face, which is often people’s biggest concern.
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The difference between a mini facelift and a traditional facelift
The mini facelift and a traditional facelift are two very different corrective cosmetic procedures.
Dr Andew Lyos [1] a Houston plastic surgeon, “the mini facelift is a less invasive procedure than a more comprehensive face and neck lift”. A traditional full face lift focuses on the bottom two-thirds of the face and neck.. A full facelift would not include the forehead but instead, every facial feature below it to offer a fully lifted look.
Furthermore, a mini facelift, a shorter scar facelift, is a surgical procedure in cosmetic surgery that focuses on the bottom two-thirds of the face and neck. This procedure involves minimal tissue removal, resulting in a less significant scar, often referred to as ‘mini facelift scars.’ The small incision made during a mini facelift contributes to a reduced expense compared to a full facelift, making it a popular choice in plastic surgery for those seeking a more subtle rejuvenation.
In contrast, a full traditional facelift will result in more scarring. Often, scars from either facelift will lessen and become less noticeable.
When a patient is starting to age, a mini facelift can be the best answer, and it can combat early signs of jaw, neck, and chin sagging. A full facelift will be the best answer if a patient requires more lifting (around the eyes and cheeks).
How long do the results last?
A mini facelift is an excellent solution for those who want to tackle early signs of ageing and not have to have regular maintenance. This is because a mini facelift will last most patients between five to ten years.
In comparison, a full facelift can last longer.
The results last depending on the skin’s age at the procedure’s time. If the mini facelift is performed on younger skin, which only notices signs of ageing, it could last longer. However, longevity will vary from patient to patient. We have further information on how long Facelifts last in this article
The benefits
A mini facelift allows patients to highlight the true beauty that is theirs. It can benefit a patient in many ways:
Minimal scarring?
A mini facelift is the best procedure for those who want minimal scarring. The incisions are placed around the hairline and near the ears, which are often hidden places; hence, they will be challenging to see even when the scars are there.
The incisions are made here so that the procedure can pull back the excess tissue, which will result in the reconstruction and tightening of the facial muscles.
Reduced recovery time
Due to the mini facelift being a conservative treatment, it only requires local anaesthesia. This means that the recovery time with be less than a full facelift. Plus, this also means that the complications will be reduced.
Since local anaesthesia is used, the patient will be conscious when the procedure is being done. However, the patient will not feel anything, and it will be a comfortable experience. The surgery time can vary depending on the person and the procedure. Yet, recovery time will remain minimal.
More confidence
Many patients who consider cosmetic treatment for their face will experience low confidence. Ageing skin that involves sagging can make a person not feel their best.
Therefore, a mini facelift can hand back that confidence and make a person feel their best again. It is a non-invasive treatment that helps to improve a patient’s natural beauty and self-confidence.
Risks and complications
Like any surgery, a mini facelift can involve some side effects. The most common side effects will be directly after the surgery is complete. A patient could experience swelling, pain, and bruising. These side effects and recovery should be over within a few days. Should these symptoms occur and not get better, it is advised to seek advice from the surgeon.
Other symptoms to look out for, which will need medical attention, include:
- Increased inflammation
- Severe pain
- Fever
- Chills
- Loss of feeling from nerve damage
- Oozing from the skin
- Bleeding
These symptoms should never be left unattended and must always be seen by the surgeon or healthcare professional.
How painful is a mini facelift?
There may be some pain after a mini facelift. During the procedure, patients will be under a general or local anaesthetic; hence, they will feel no pain throughout the treatment.
However, the pain might occur afterwards when the area is swollen and slightly bruised.
The pain from a mini facelift is much less significant and severe than from a full facelift, as only certain areas are lifted.
The main symptom of a mini facelift is swelling, which can sometimes cause mild discomfort. However, this should only last a few days, and then pain and discomfort will disappear.
If the pain and discomfort do not disappear or worsen, then seek medical help.
Are you awake during a mini facelift?
A local or general anaesthetic is used for a mini facelift so that the patient will be awake. But they will not feel anything.
A patient will lie consciously during the entire procedure, and the anaesthetic will cause numbness, so they cannot feel what is happening.
Is it right for me?
Knowing if a mini facelift is right for you will depend on what you desire from your complexion.
Mini facelifts are typically for those younger patients who will soon experience ageing issues such as wrinkles and sagging skin. Although a mini facelift can be performed on older skin, the results might not be as effective. Or, more excess tissue might need to be cut away.
The procedure is designed for people in their forties and is ideal for those looking for small amounts of tightening.
More prominent signs of ageing can often best be treated with a full facelift.
Is it worth it?
Getting a mini facelift can be worth the investment, depending on your desired results. It is much less invasive, expensive, and painful than a full facelift. It is designed for the 40-year-old that has sagging around the jowl, neck, and jaw. However, it can be effective for other ages too.
It can be effective for those with minimal and slightly prominent signs of aging.
Should anyone feel that a mini facelift is right for them, they should know how to prepare for the procedure correctly.
It is advised not to wear any cosmetic products or jewellery to the procedure. Should a patient wear them, then it could slow down the procedure.
A patient should also disclose all medications and herbs that they consume. This is because some medicines can interfere with the procedure and cause bleeding.
Smoking and tobacco use might also be prohibited for some time before the procedure. Hence, let your surgeon know if these products are for personal use so that they can advise accordingly.
After the procedure is complete, a patient will require driving home from the hospital. Organising this before the procedure is essential so that patients can care for and help get from the hospital to their homes.
Things to consider
Compared to a full facelift, a mini face-lift typically has a shorter recovery time and less scarring. However, the extent of the improvements achieved may be more limited compared to a full facelift. acelift.
Mini facelift will be the best option if a patient is looking for a procedure with a short recovery period and minimal scarring afterwards.In summary
To summarise, mini facelifts are highly effective for those looking to eliminate sagging and wrinkles around the bottom half of the face. It will not be effective for the middle and top areas of the face, and it is advised to seek a full facelift or other cosmetic procedures for those areas.
A mini facelift involves just small incisions, and it causes minimal pain and scarring, which means that there will be very little evidence that someone has had the procedure.
A mini facelift is ideal for those looking to minimise or eliminate sagging, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing on the lower half of the face. Likewise, it isn’t the most expensive cosmetic procedure, and compared to a full facelift, it could be considered quite an affordable option. Plus, the results can last up to ten years, which makes the investment well worth it if you want to attain your natural beauty and boost your confidence when you start to see signs of ageing.
Always talk to a surgical professional before you go ahead with the procedure to know the exact expense and what more could be involved. Get in touch with him today to learn about mini facelifts and discover more about Dr Nizar Hamadeh’s portfolio.
Experts Explain What a Mini Facelift Is | RealSelf News